Buy a print, save a life.

All art print profits are donated to charities that benefit veterans and first responders nationwide.

What organizations receive the donations?

The WLS Foundation

Camp Hero Kentucky

Are these organizations registered 501(c)(3) charities?

Yes, both the WLS Foundation and Camp Hero are registered 501(c)(3) non-profit charities.

But how do you make money on prints?

I don't. My income comes from licensing and publishing contracts, and while the extra income from print sales was nice I feel strongly about supporting these organizations - so strongly that I'm putting my money where my mouth is an forwarding all print profits to them.

How much has been donated so far?

Since 2020 I have donated thousands of dollars worth of artwork as well as hosted fundraisers for both the WLS Foundation and Camp Hero Kentucky.

Why the WLS Foundation and Camp Hero?

Because I know the money goes to the right place. I've seen the amazing work these organizations do for disabled veterans and first responders. Their methods of helping disabled veterans and first responders, especially those dealing with PTSD, have moved me to give back everything I can to their cause. The owner of Camp Hero, Rocco Besednjak, is a disabled veteran himself - who better to understand the hardships? I trust these organizations not because they filled me with kind words, but because I've watched their actions intently over the years and have seen the positive results produced from their hard work.

Where can prints be purchased?